The Results Are In: The FORS-15 Insole Is Again Proven Effective For Offloading DFUs
A-DFS conference, November 11, 2017, Venice, Italy
In his poster including data from 4 collaborating medical facilities, Harry Penny, DPM presented evidence supporting the use of the FORSTM-15 insole as an effective offloading modality for treating diabetic foot ulcers.
Key Highlights"
- "In four independent trial sites (3- U.S., 1- Italy) patients using FORSTM-15 insoles consistently demonstrated a high level of compliance with the device, and ulcer healing rates appeared comparable to those produced by TCC."
- "Wound closure was achieved in 100% of patients at Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital in an average of 9.6 weeks."
- "The FORSTM-15 insole is a viable, cost-effective, highly durable, and easy-to-use alternative to the total contact cast offloading system that should be seriously considered when TCC is contraindicated, impractical, or when patient compliance is a concern."
- "Considering that 20% of ulcers reoccur within 90 days, consideration should also be given to using the FORSTM-15 insole as a transitional method of treatment out of the total contact cast until patients are fitted for their final diabetic shoes."
The facilities and lead clinicians were:
- Harry Penny, DPM, DABPM, FAPWAc, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Altoona, USA
- James McGuire, DPM, DABPM, FAPWHc Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, PA, USA
- Payam Rafat, DPM, AACFAS, FAPWH, Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital, NY, USA
- Enrico Brocco, MD, Chief Diabetic Foot Unit, Policlinico Abano Terme, Diabetic Foot Referral Center, Regione Veneto, Italy,
To view and download a copy of the poster, click on the link or image below.
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